RO (Reverse Osmosis Plant)


Reverse osmosis RO water treatment plant process is that allows the removal of unwanted particles (salts) from a solution. Reverse Osmosis water treatment plant is also used to treatment of water like removal of hardness, microorganism, salts and impurities in order to improve the color, odour, taste or properties of the fluid.

Demineralized Water Treatment Plant (DM Plant)

A DM Water System produces mineral free Water by operating on the principles of ion exchange, Degasification, and polishing. Demineralized Water System finds wide application in the field of steam, power, process, and cooling. Raw Water is passed via two small polystyrene bead filled (ion exchange resins) beds.


Water Softener


When water containing calcium and magnesium flow across the resins in sodium form, they are exchanged with sodium which is released in water. This is the purpose of the softening process: the calcium and magnesium (their carbonates cause scale) are replaced with sodium, where the sodium carbonate is perfectly soluble.